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Guidance Network Webinar

Fecha: 26/09/2023


Within the framework of the Foundations for Employment Project, financed by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, there are different seminars on orientation in Castilla – La Mancha, Valencia, Andalusia, the Basque Country, Catalonia, Cantabria, Castilla y León, the Community of Madrid, Navarra and La Rioja.

In these sessions, vocational, academic and professional guidance resources will be presented for job improvement in construction. The seminars will include a dynamic of reflection and networking between socio-labor entities, public employment services and educational and training centers to reinforce complementary networking work.

The contents of the webinar are these:

  • Social challenge of the labor market in the construction sector.
  • Presentation of resources for professional and academic guidance and the derivation of itineraries, within the framework of the Foundations for Employment project.
  • Presentation of the territorial resources of the Foundation's employment services.
  • Dynamics of reinforcing networking and networking among participants.

This project is carried out by the Construction Labor Foundation, a non-profit joint entity formed by the National Construction Confederation (CNC), CCOO of Habitat and the Federation of Industry, Construction and Agriculture of UGT (UGT FICA).

Link to the seminar agenda
