The professional future of young people: a manual to guide you in your decisions.
It explains the different options that young people will find from the moment they leave school or university until they consolidate their professional future, giving practical advice on how to face the different opportunities that arise.
Subjects, skills and profession
Work material for high school tutors about studies and where you want to do. Different subjects, some skills that are developed with each of them and related professions. The tutorial ends with a personal reflection.
Building my future. Vocational Guidance Booklet
This booklet is a proposal from School Counselors of Boyacá (Colombia) to guide young people in the successful search for their professional future by working on aspects such as self-knowledge through the analysis of their virtues and defects, strengths and weaknesses, and identification of networks of support they have; It gives them the opportunity to investigate their vocational interests through the development of orientation tests that will allow them to recognize their abilities and areas in which they stand out, for an excellent higher education process.
Training and Personal and Professional Guidance 4th of ESO (LOMLOE)
Creative and entertaining support material for the subject Training and Personal and Professional Guidance of 4th year of E.S.O., designed by a group of teachers from different autonomous communities with a common objective: make useful and attractive resources available to any guidance professional to work on various aspects such as self-knowledge, decisions and knowledge of the world of work.
This material is available in Spanish, Valencian and Galician.
It is one of the contents included in the ALLOROCONLAECONOMÍA website dedicated to sharing resources for teaching and learning in this area.
Vocational test.
Questionnaire designed by Educaweb and based on the Self-Applied Professional Guidance Program.
School guidance computer program for students.
CHASIDE Vocational Guidance Test
Test of 98 questions related to interests and aptitudes to know the vocational orientation.
ELIGE program. Career guidance on equal opportunities
The professional orientation program "ELIGE" for compulsory secondary education is inserted in the theoretical framework of the activation model for vocational and personal development and is developed within the Orientation Plan of Andalusia and the II Andalusian Plan for the Equality of women.
The method tries to simulate what happens in the human mind during the complex decision-making process by adopting the simile of a hat that you can put on or take off.
Interactive tool for self-guidance (Mónica Diz and Alberto del Mazo's term), which collects information on academic and professional guidance issues but also on study techniques and other important aspects for decision-making, as well as new and updated information.
Support document to do a vocational guidance interview. It is a useful instrument to carry out a personalized orientation process.
The 10 safest ways to choose WRONG studies one or more times (as many as necessary)
Website to help all those people who don't know what to do in the future, or even in a present with future consequences.
Academic and professional orientation program: Breaking schemes
Program developed by Calliope, Quality and Equal Opportunities in Equal's Employment Policies, coordinated by the Women's Institute of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in which the Autonomous Communities of Asturias, Aragon, Cantabria and Galicia participate, which contributes values such as the centrality of employment, care and co-responsibility in the public and private spheres, demonstrating that an integrated coeducational orientation is necessary in the educational curriculum at all levels.
Connect with your passion and purpose in the job search.
Guide prepared by the Adecco Foundation to identify one's own skills based on hobbies.
Help guide for non-sexist professional choice
This guide will try to help you reflect so that you can make a mature and free decision when choosing what you want to study and what you want to work on.
How to make a vocational decision
What do I like? My interests
TFP 3.0 is an online academic and professional guidance programme aimed at students, tutors and families that aims to facilitate self-knowledge and decision-making about the different educational and professional itineraries.
The Xcelence self-assessment tool is free to use for all schools in Spain. Evaluate the orientation system of your center based on the 10 Xcelence keys and start a process of continuous improvement to offer a quality academic-professional orientation to your students.