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About us

About us section: Who we are? The national reference centre Euroguidance Spain
About us section: Bring the professional world closer to your students.

Who we are

In accordance with the competences attributed to the General Secretariat for Vocational Training and, within it, to the Subdirectorate General for Guidance and lifelong Learning in Royal Decree 498/2020, of 28 April, which develops the basic organic structure of the MEFP, the following functions, among others, correspond to the aforementioned Subdirectorate:

h) The design of strategies for the promotion of vocational guidance, the development of an integrated system of vocational guidance, in collaboration with other Departments, as well as the maintenance of portals, platforms and social networks to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and resources in the field of vocational guidance and training.

i) The promotion of programmes aimed at facilitating the development of professional careers and access to professional qualification and requalification.

q) The design and development of actions that promote technical-professional learning throughout life, both through formal and non-formal education activities.

Contributing to the development of these functions, the MEFP participates in the European network EuroguidanceNew window External link, opens in new window of national resource and information centres for guidance, present in 34 countries. In Spain, the headquarters is located in the Guidance Service of the Subdirectorate General for Guidance and lifelong Learning.

The launch of the Euroguidance Spain website is part of the actions of the Plan for Vocational Training, Economic and Social Growth and Employability, specifically in the extension of vocational guidance tools in the existing TODOFP platform (line 10.1).

What we want

1.Support the development of the European dimension of lifelong guidance.Salto de línea 2.Support the competence development of guidance practitioners and raise awareness of the value of international mobility of guidance practitioners.Salto de línea 3.Provide relevant and quality information that supports the development of professional competences of guidance practitioners.Salto de línea 4. Disseminate relevant initiatives in the field of guidance in its European dimension.

The aim of this website is, in addition to the contents of the TODOFP portal, to make relevant and updated information available to guidance professionals on European initiatives, programs and resources of interest and utility for the exercise of Professional Guidance.

What we do

The main actions of Euroguidance Spain in agreement with the Network are:

  • Organise training actions that develop the competences of guidance professionals.
  • Disseminate relevant information for career guidance practice.
  • Participate in the Network's own meetings and in the working groups that it establishes to promote the professional development of the guidance community.
  • Coordinate the calls of the international mobility programme Academia.
  • Participate in the events and working meetings organised by the European Commission.
  • Collaborate regularly with other national networks (Europass, Eurodesk, SEPIE, INCUAL) in the dissemination of information on learning, employment and mobility opportunities.
  • Participate in European guidance conferences, seminars and congresses.
  • Contribute to the Network's publications: Insight and Highlights.