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Year 2019

INFODAY (17 December 2019)


The Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education -SEPIE-, organises this dissemination day of the Europass platform. This event will also consolidate the synergies between Europass and the Erasmus + networks: Euroguidance, EQF and the EURES employment network; testimonials from Europass + users will be presented to raise awareness of its functionalities from a more human point of view and the winners of the "Europass: Scientific CV" competition will receive their awards.

ERASMUS+ 2019 Annual Dissemination Day (4 December 2019)


The Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education -SEPIE-, organises this dissemination day of the Erasmus + programme in order to inform about the results of the Erasmus + programme in 2019 and the novelties of 2020; present the new Erasmus + (2021-2027); generate spaces for dialogue and debate about the innovative nature and employability of the programme; disseminate experiences of Erasmus + beneficiaries especially valuable, unique and exemplary and deliver the Awards for the quality of Erasmus + projects 2019+.

  • Program PDF
  • Target group: teachers with Erasmus+ projects

Conference: The role of Vocational Guidance in the education system of the 21st century (21 November 2019)

Jornada: El papel de la Orientación Profesional en el sistema educativo del siglo XXI

SIMO Education (5-7 November 2019)

SIMO Educación (5-7 Noviembre 2019)

International Exhibition of Educational Technology and Innovation, organised by IFEMA. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training hosted a stand with information on Aula Mentor, That's English and Euroguidance.

  • Program PDF
  • Target group: anyone interested

INTERREDES III (2-3 October 2019)

INTERREDES III (2-3 octubre 2019)

The main objective of the conference "INTERREDES III", organised by the Subdirectorate General of Active Employment Policies of the National Employment Service (SEPE) as part of its activities as the National Coordination Office of the EURES Network in Spain, is to further deepen the knowledge and mutual recognition of the actors and resources that favour or limit the obstacles to mobility in the field of employment.
