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Studies and reports

Estadísticas de Formación Profesional del sistema educativo. Edición 2024.

Vocational Training Statistics of the Education System. 2024 Edition.

Equality in numbers. MEFD 2024. Classrooms for equality

Equality in numbers. MEFD 2024. Classrooms for equality

Proposal for an Action Plan to Reduce Early School Leaving in Spain. This OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) report identif

Proposal for an Action Plan to Reduce Early School Leaving in Spain. This OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) report identifies existing strengths and challenges to address ESL across Spain. It proposes five areas for action that each include a range of evidence-based and actionable recommendations for a coordinated approach to reducing ESL in all autonomous communities and in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. This report is available in Spanish and English.

CEDEFOP (2021): Investing in Career Guidance. THE CASE FOR WORKERS.  This leaflet advocates for quality career guidance for workers in the framework o

CEDEFOP (2021): Investing in Career Guidance. THE CASE FOR WORKERS. This leaflet advocates for quality career guidance for workers in the framework of lifelong guidance systems.

Observatory of Vocational Training in Spain. Report 2023. Vocational Training in order to social challenges.

Observatory of Vocational Training in Spain. Report 2023. Vocational Training in order to social challenges. Report by CaixaBank Dualiza, in collaboration with the Basque Institute of Competitiveness Orkestra, on the evolution of Vocational Training in Spain, an in-depth study that provides an analytical vision of the situation of this educational modality in our country.

Preparing for life in times of uncertainty: challenges for professional guidance in the horizon of the 2030 Agenda

Collection "Girls Science Preparing for life in times of uncertainty: challenges for professional guidance in the horizon of the 2030 Agenda. Article published by the State School Council of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, which tries to provide some specific contributions to ensure quality professional guidance services from the school stage and throughout life."

Collection "Girls Science footing"

Collection "Girls Science footing"

The Education and Training Monitor 2023 presents the European Commission’s annual analysis of how education and training systems evolve across the EU.

The Education and Training Monitor 2023 presents the European Commission’s annual analysis of how education and training systems evolve across the EU.

Panorama de la educación Indicadores de la OCDE 2024 - Informe español

It presents data on the most relevant indicators for Spain in comparison with the average of the OECD countries and the other 25 countries of the European Union.

Equality in numbers. MEFP 2023. Classrooms for equality

Equality in numbers. MEFP 2023. Classrooms for equality

2020 skills forecast Spain

2020 skills forecast Spain

The Labor Market for young people: in search of full employment in 2030. Manpowergroup Index: Special youth employment

The Labor Market for young people: in search of full employment in 2030. Manpowergroup Index: Special youth employment

Radiography of the gender gap in STEAM training. A detailed study of the educational trajectory of girls and women in Spain

Radiography of the gender gap in STEAM training. A detailed study of the educational trajectory of girls and women in Spain.

OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training. Teachers and Leaders in Vocational Education and Training.

OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training. Teachers and Leaders in Vocational Education and Training.

Guide in times of change through Theory U

Guide in times of change through Theory U

Book of Proceedings of the III International Congress on Diagnosis and Orientation

Book of Proceedings of the III International Congress on Diagnosis and Orientation

The future of skills employment in 2030

The future of skills employment in 2030

Revolution 4.0, Skills, Education and Guidance

Revolution 4.0, Skills, Education and Guidance

Digital transitions in lifelong guidance: rethinking careers practitioner professionalism

Digital transitions in lifelong guidance: rethinking careers practitioner professionalism

Report from the international commission on the futures of education. Reimagining our futures together. A new social contract for education

Report from the international commission on the futures of education. Reimagining our futures together. A new social contract for education

Adult Education and Training in Europe

This Eurydice report focuses on adult education and training in Europe. It is an excellent addition to the resources at our disposal for improving the adult education and training sector.

Beyond Academic Learning: First results from the survey of social and emotional skills

Beyond Academic Learning: First results from the survey of social and emotional skills

OECD (2021) Career Guidance for Adults in a Changing World od Work

This report scopes out initiatives in the area of career guidance for adults in OECD countries, drawing lessons on how to strengthen adult career guidance systems in terms of coverage and inclusiveness, provision and service delivery, quality and impact, and governance and funding.

Cover of the document. Go to document

University of Derby (2015): Teachers and Careers: The role of school teachers in delivering career and employability learning

Cover of the document. Go to document

University of Derby (2014): Understanding career management skills: findings from the first phase of the CMS LEADER Project.

Cover of the document. Go to document

CEDEFOP (2020): Inventory of lifelong guidance systems and practices

Cover of the document. Go to document

CEDEFOP (2020): Investing in Career Guidance

Cover of the document. Go to document

FUNDAE (2019). Vocational Training in Spain 2018
