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Webinar “Europass as a Career Guidance tool”

Fecha: 26/10/2023


Free training organized by Euroguidance Spain in collaboration with the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) within the actions of the General Secretariat of Vocational Training in which the new Europass tools will be developed practically. Counselors can incorporate them into their professional development and updating.

The session will be held online on October 31 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with the intervention of the Head of the Lifelong Guidance Service, Nuria Ballesteros Rincón, and the Head of Service of the National Europass Center at the SEPIE Vocational Training Unit, David Delgado Martín.

This online seminar is aimed at counselors of Integrated Vocational Training Centers and Secondary Education Institutes. Counselors of Professional Guidance Units. Job counselors. Other professionals who work in the field of professional guidance and insertion.

To attend the Webinar, it is essential to register at the following linkNueva ventana or through the QR.

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