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Resources in the Autonomous Communities


Career and professional Guidance Guide (cover)

Academic and Professional Guidance Guide

Andalusia Academic and Professional Guidance Guide for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Orientation Cadiz

Orientation Cadiz

Focal point between the Provincial Technical Team, the educational guidance professionals of the province and the different members of the Educational Community in Cádiz.

Inclusive life and professional project

Inclusive life and professional project

Tool to help and guide teachers and families in the design of the life project of all students.

The life project is learning from the past, experiencing the present to travel to the future.

VET Information Guide (cover)

VET Information Guide

Development of the Andalusian educational offer of training cycles supported with public funds. For each qualification there is a description of the general competence, the professional environment and the training modules broken down by courses and hours per week.

Manual for entrepreneurship (cover)

Manual for entrepreneurship

Resolves doubts when it comes to starting a business. Fundamental notions for entrepreneurship.


Choose your profession (icon)


Personal and Professional Training and Guidance is part of the group of optional subjects in the fourth year of Secondary Education and offers students the possibility of deepening their knowledge of themselves, discovering their personal qualities as a potential value, and approaching the field of sciences related to the study of human, social and cultural behaviors.

Choose your profession (icon)

Choose your profession

Website of the professions so that students, teaching staff and companies that work in the Vocational Training environment have all the information about these studies. The website provides all the information on a specific profession, including the vocational training qualifications that give access to this activity, as well as information on career paths and the personal skills needed to carry out this work. The page includes a catalogue of professions, videos about them, a search engine containing studies related to the profession, by specialities or professional opportunities and social networks.

Principado de Asturias

VET Guide (cover)

VET Guide

This guide lists the vocational training cycles on offer, distinguishing between basic, intermediate and higher vocational training cycles. For each cycle, the general competences of the qualification, the units of competence, the modules and the most relevant jobs are included.

Emotional development (cover)

Emotional development

Emotional development programme published by the Regional Ministry of Education of the Principality of Asturias. Aimed at primary school pupils, it aims to help our children, from an early age, to know how to manage their emotions effectively, to improve their school performance and, ultimately, most importantly, to achieve personal, academic and social success and "be happy people”.

Castilla-La Mancha

Awareness raising about inclusive education

Awareness raising about inclusive education

  • Castilla-La Mancha Plena Inclusion Project funded by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 that offers inclusive material of different difficulty to advance educational quality. Here you can find training, videos, audios and specific materials.
  • Link to the pageNueva ventana
screenshot of Guidance portal

Guidance portal

The POP orientation portal, allows you to obtain information to choose a profession or to progress in the one you already have. You can find out about the functions that are carried out, the type of companies where it is carried out and the training that is needed, data about the labour market and about the supply and demand of the different professions that exist in Castilla-La Mancha. In POP you can find out all about vocational training for employment and the education system.

Castilla y León

Guidance guide for Castilla y León

Guidance guide for Castilla y León

The Castilla y León Family Business Foundation offers a series of resources on this website that, as a counselor or tutor, will help you guide both the vocational and professional career of your students.


Educational choice

Educational choice

Website of the Generalitat of Catalonia with quality and updated information about all the courses you can take in Catalonia and the most common training itineraries.

BARCELONA TREBALL. The Barcelona website to find job

BARCELONA TREBALL. The Barcelona website to find job

Professional guidance website, coaching actions, skills development and knowledge actions of the labor market, job search and intermediation. This website accompanies people in their job search process to increase their chances of accessing a quality job.


screenshot of Ítaca Project

Ítaca Project

The Ítaca Project was created with the aim of improving the employability of people who have embarked on a journey between the world of education and the world of work, but who find themselves disoriented and without resources. The new intervention model based on "Ítaca Guidance" is a comprehensive system that will accompany people at all times.


Guide Ti Elixes! 2024

Guide Ti Elixes! 2024

For the Artistic and Professional Guidance Days organized by the Municipal Youth Information Center (CMIX) of the A Coruña City Council, the 2024 edition of the Ti Elixes! Guide is published. It is an essential PDF guide that contains academic information about the educational system and an extensive list of resources and links about employment, education, scholarships and grants.

screenshot of the Vocational guidance plan

Vocational guidance plan

Plan that promotes the collaborative work of all guidance professionals to create an integrated network of unified, global and accessible information and advice on training, information and professional qualification.

Comunidad de Madrid

#CIAU_ORIENTA.  Academic-professional orientation

#CIAU_ORIENTA. Academic-professional orientation

Useful information for career counselors, teachers and other professionals in the field of Education.



Here you can find information on each of the 21 present and future professions.

Guidance booklet (cover)

Guidance booklet

Notebook with information on the different educational stages in the Comunidad de Madrid.

screenshot of the Job search guide

Job search

A career strategy handbook containing the information you need to find a job.

Orion Project icon

MYVIP: My vocational e-Portfolio (Orion Project)

This work is part of the "Observatory of the professional interests of secondary school students in the Comunidad of Madrid: Project Orion", initiated in 2002-03. It is aimed at ESO and Bachillerato students. Once the students answer the questionnaires hosted on the web, reports are generated that make up a vocational portfolio for each student. Currently, the questionnaire area includes: Vocational Interests, Vocational Values, Vocational Reflection, My Academic History, Personal Academic Well-being, Socio-family Context and My Academic Project. From the website, access is also given to two external applications: Orientaline and MyWayPass. In results and reports, resources and a personalised report are provided.



Applications for mobile devices to access all the information related to official university studies -UNIMAD-, VET -FPMAD- and Special Regime Education -EREMAD- offered in the Community of Madrid. It also includes the geolocation of the centres.

Región de Murcia

screenshot of You will reach the top website

You will reach the top

Website of the Region of Murcia with all the information about Vocational Training in this community, its competitions, news, international programmes or access to its training offer.

Your future starts today (icon)

Your future starts today

Specific website with all the information about Special Education in the Region of Murcia: Languages, Sports and Artistic Education.

Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Active methodologies in Vocational Training

Active methodologies in Vocational Training

Find your path in VET. Virtual simulator in which the user is advised on the most suitable Vocational Training study programme for their age, academic background, vocational interests and skills.

Kimua Guide

Kimua Guide

Collaborative Learning: Methodological Guide to Project-Based Collaborative Learning, a team effort.

screenshot of the Career guidance and employment website

Career guidance and employment

Information and advice on career guidance, training and employment in Navarre.

País Vasco

GPS - I am a teacher or career guidance

GPS - I am a teacher or career guidance

Material for teachers and counselors to work on academic and labor guidance based on files, audiovisuals and different documents; always considering the professional project of the student.

Collaborative learning model based on challenges

Collaborative learning model based on challenges

Collaborative learning model based on challenges

Challenge FP Euskadi

Challenge FP Euskadi

In the learning model of Vocational Training Euskadi, the challenge is understood and used as a pedagogical tool formed by a sequence or set of challenges that pursue a progress of competence development.

screenshot of GazteBizHitza website

Guidance and advice

GazteBizHitza is the Basque Government's online guidance and advice service. It includes information on studies, employment and housing.
