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The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training launches FP Conecta

Fecha: 04/10/2023


El Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional lanza FP Conecta

The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has launched a new online tool called FP Conecta to connect Vocational Training students and teachers with companies and centers to acquire knowledge, experience and promote employment.

The objective of this virtual platform is to create a national and international network that brings together all those people, entities and administrations linked to vocational training. You can access and register in this network through its website and IOS and Android mobile devices.

With this application, each user will be able to create their own profile, share their educational career and professional experience and select content that meets their needs and expectations. In addition, they will be able to know, search and submit applications for job offers, internships and participation in other projects. This application also allows users to share their publications and experiences with other users.

This initiative is part of the Spanish Government's Vocational Training Modernization Plan designed in 2020 to guarantee a new quality system, in accordance with the needs of the current labor market with all connected agents.
