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Annual Assembly of Eurodesk Spain 2023

Fecha: 25/05/2023


For three days, from May 17 to 19, the General Assembly of the Eurodesk Spain Network took place at the San Clemente Cultural Center in Toledo. Eurodesk is the European network that offers young people a comprehensive information and guidance service, coordinated by the Youth Institute (INJUVE), Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, which has brought together more than 60 national multipliers that are part of this network in the different Autonomous Communities.

Asamblea Anual de Eurodesk España 2023

The aim of these meetings is to offer Network assistants information about new projects and initiatives, as well as resources that can help them in the development of their functions/work plans. For this reason, in this edition they have invited the national centers of other networks dependent on the European Commission to participate to show their activities and the resources that may be useful to them in their practice.

The third and final day began with a presentation on the tools of the Europass portal by David Delgado Martín, coordinator of the National Center of the Europass Network in Spain.


Next, there was also detailed information about the instrument that recognizes the execution of non-formal and informal training and experience activities: Youthpass, by Manuel Díaz López, Technician of the International Cooperation Area of Injuve.

Manuel Díaz López

In the second part of this day, the Euroguidance Network participated as one of the guests in the Networks Fair. In this fair was also participated regional representatives of the EURES Network, EUROPASS, EUROPA DIRECT, EUROPA ENTERPRISE NETWORK AND THE EUROPEAN DOCUMENTATION CENTER.

Centro Nacional Euroguidance España

There was provided information to the attendees about the purposes and proposals developed by the Euroguidance Network and the National Center for Euroguidance Spain, attached to the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, as well as tools, resources, publications, good practices, etc., related with lifelong guidance that can be found updated on the Euroguidance Spain portal and that can be very useful to carry out your work of information and support for young people.
