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Year 2023

XIII State Meeting of Educational Counselors

Euroguidance Webinar ‘Online Guidance’
  • Under the slogan “Educational guidance as a protection factor. Biopsychosocial well-being through the life project", the APOEMUR (Association of Educational Guidance Professionals of Murcia) will celebrate the XIII State Meeting, in which they will analyze frequent risk factors and protection factors for health in the context current social situation and how the educational counselor intervenes.

  • Date and place: April 21 and 22, 2023. University Social Center. University of Murcia. Also online.

  • Target: Aimed at all those professionals who intervene in the population susceptible to guidance: Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary Education, Vocational Training and University.

  • Access to information Nueva ventana

  • The videos of the presentations from the XIII State Meeting of Counselors held in Murcia last April are now available. You can view them from the meeting website.

Euroguidance Webinar ‘Online Guidance’

Euroguidance Webinar ‘Online Guidance’
  • As part of the European Year of Competences 2023, SEPIE held on April 12 the day of national dissemination of Europass in Caixaforum Madrid, where the news and utilities of the Europass portal for students and professionals were shown, as well as the opportunities that other European mobility networks offer citizens (Euroguidance, EURES, Eurodesk, ENIC-NARIC).

  • Date and place: 12th April

  • Target: guidance professionals.

  • ProgramPDF

  • Streaming Youtube

Euroguidance Webinar 'Orientación en línea'

Euroguidance Webinar ‘Online Guidance’
  • The Euroguidance network will be hosting a webinar on online guidance.
  • Date and place: On March 30th
  • Target: guidance professionals.
  • Seminar videoNueva ventana

Expoelearning 2023

  • With the title "Promoting Digital Transformation", EXPOELEARNING 2023 will revolve around digital transformation in corporate and educational environments, and will highlight the latest trends in innovation, technology and new learning formats.
  • Date and place: 23 - 24 March 2023. At IFEMA Madrid.
  • Target: education professionals, training managers, HR professionals, directors of companies, centers and institutions.
  • More information Nueva ventana


  • With the title "With all the sciences" Training in STE(A)M skills: Science and Technology, the Congress will focus on all products to improve teaching in the classroom, and will hold a series of conferences around artistic teaching and innovative learning spaces.
  • Date and place: 23 - 25 March 2023. At IFEMA Madrid.
  • Target: directors and managers of educational centers, those responsible for purchasing equipment, university, academies, public administrations, teachers and other education professionals, educational associations and institutions, and the sector press.
  • More information Nueva ventana

Aula. International Student Hall and Educational Offer

Aula. International Student Hall and Educational Offer
  • The fair that helps students decide effectively on their educational and professional future. It is a personalized and free service. The schools in collective visit can manage it by booking an appointment through the web.
  • Date and place: 22 - 26 March 2023. At IFEMA Madrid.
  • Target: Students, families and schools have at their disposal the possibility of accessing an educational orientation that helps them to analyze the options of training itineraries.
  • More information Nueva ventana

IN-FORMA'T. Activities to find your academic itinerary

I STEAM Alliance Awards for female talent

III Congress of Vocational Training and DUAL Vocational Training. CLM (Edition 1)

I STEAM Alliance Awards for female talent
  • On March 1 and 2, the III Vocational Training Congress of Castilla-La Mancha was held in the town of Puertollano. Organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Caixa Bank Dualiza and financed with funds from the European Union. Topics such as the development of the new Vocational Training Law, the new scenarios of Vocational Training or the policies promoted by the EU to change the Spanish vocational training model were discussed.
  • Date and place: March 1 and 2, 2023. Auditorium "Pedro Almodóvar" Pl. Mariana Pineda, 0, 13500 Puertollano, Ciudad Real.
  • Target: Teachers of the different Vocational Training specialties and active teachers.
  • Access to information and program Nueva ventana
  • Article Nueva ventana
  • Access to the informative video Youtube

Student and Employment Fair

I STEAM Alliance Awards for female talent
  • Meeting between students, families, training professionals, schools, universities and companies with the aim of informing and advising young students in choosing their academic future.
  • Target: students of Vocational Training, High School, University and fathers and mothers.
  • Date and place: March 2, 2023 - March 3, 2023 at Baluarte - Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de Navarra.
  • More information Nueva ventana

Challenges of orientation in the LOMLOE. APOCLAM AND CRFP Training Sessions.

I STEAM Alliance Awards for female talent
  • The objective of these conferences is to create a space for reflection and debate around the challenges of guidance within the framework of the LOMLOE.
  • Date and place: March 3rd. In the Faculty of Education of the UCLM of Ciudad Real (Ronda de Calatrava, 3).
  • Target: Active counselors from non-university centers supported with public funds in Castilla-La Mancha, as well as other active teachers.
  • Access to information Nueva ventana

II National Congress of Vocational Training

I STEAM Alliance Awards for female talent
  • The General Directorate of Vocational Training and Special Education of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Valencian Community (DGFPiERE) organizes the Vocational Training congress that, with the motto "From the training itinerary to the professional career", wants to establish as a meeting place for the different agents involved in the Vocational Guidance of the Vocational Training system.
  • Description: The II National Congress of Vocational Training will discuss, among other aspects, the situation of Vocational Guidance in Spain, the different systems and models of Vocational Training that are developed in Europe, and the steps and requirements that must be considered to promote an integrated system of Training and Professional Orientation.
  • Date: February 14 and 15, 2023. Palau de les Arts in Valencia.
  • Target: representatives of the educational and labor administrations, social agents, teachers and guidance professionals of the educational system and employment services.
  • Access to 1st Day Youtube
  • Access to 2nd Day Youtube

I STEAM Alliance Awards for female talent

I STEAM Alliance Awards for female talent
  • Awards that recognize the most innovative educational projects, curricular materials and educational or training innovations in promoting the vocations of girls and young people in disciplines related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in connection with the arts and humanities (STEAM) in the educational field.
  • Date and place: February 11 at 11:00 a.m. In the Principal Theater of Castellón de la Plana. Also online.
  • Target: Teaching staff linked to science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in connection with arts and humanities (STEAM) in the educational field.
  • Access to the video of the event. Youtube

Equity and Inclusion in Education: Finding Strength through Diversity

Equidad e inclusión en la educación: Encontrar la fuerza a través de la diversidad
  • In this webinar, OECD analysts and experts from member countries describe how education systems can serve students from different backgrounds with varying needs.
  • Date and place: Tuesday 7 February. 15:00 (Paris time) Online.
  • Target: Policy makers and teachers.
  • Access to webinar Nueva ventana

The professional of educational psychology in the socio-community field (non-formal)

El profesional de la psicopedagogía en el ámbito socio-comunitario (no formal)
  • Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 - 6:00 p.m. On-line.
  • Target: Psychologists, educational psychologists, teachers, professors, counselors, students and those interested in the course.
  • Access to information

Observatory on Digital Technologies in Career Guidance for Youth’

Webinar del nuevo Observatorio referente al uso de Tecnologías Digitales en la Orientación Profesional para jóvene
  • The Role of Digital Technologies for Career Guidance: Introducing the OECD ‘Observatory on Digital Technologies in Career Guidance for Youth’
  • Date and place: 16 may 2023 02:30 p. m. Online.
  • Target: guidance professionals.
  • StreamingNueva ventana

V International Congress of Emotional Intelligence and Well-being

V Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional y Bienestar
  • The V CIIEB, organized by the Aragonese Association of Psychopedagogy, is a forum for reflection, exploration and exchange of knowledge on emotional intelligence and well-being which, in this edition, is presented under the motto: Emotions that are worth living.
  • Date and place: Zaragoza, May 18-21, 2023 / World Trade Center Zaragoza.
  • Target: Education professionals.
  • Access to informationNueva ventana

Ten years of dual vocational training: the selection of students

Diez años de FP dual: la selección del alumnado

Alliance for Dual Vocational Training launches this webinar in which they will discuss the student selection process as a key element to guarantee quality in the new Dual Vocational Training model in Spain.

The state of orientation in Spain according to the Xcelence model

El estado de la orientación en España según el modelo Xcelence
  • The Bertelsmann Foundation presents its first study "The guidance situation in Spain according to the Xcelence model" in this event, in which experts from the public administration, the educational and business community will also participate, the challenges of academic guidance will be addressed professional from different perspectives.
  • Date and place: Wednesday May 31 at 09:30. Bertelsmann Space C/ de O´Donnell, 10. Madrid On-line.
  • Target: guidance professionals.
  • More information and registrationNueva ventana

Europass for career guidance: Launching the eCourse on Europass

uropass para la orientación profesional: Lanzamiento del curso electrónico diseñado por Euroguidance
  • Euroguidance network has developed an online course on Europass with the goal of providing guidance practitioners from different settings with a quality and reliable tool for their guidance practice.
  • Date and place: on Monday, June 12th, at 11.00 AM (CET).
  • Target: guidance professionals.
  • More information and registrationNueva ventana

Career Guidance for Gender Equality

Orientación profesional para la igualdad de género
  • Online peer learning event focused on "Career Guidance for Gender Equality" organised by the European Training Foundation. This on-line peer learning event will provide an opportunity to discuss some initiatives and inspirational practices from the EU Member States and the ETF Partner Countries. The objective of the event is to raise awareness, exchange experience and cross-inject new ideas between and among the EU and EU Neighbourhood policy makers and practitioners in the field of career guidance and counselling & gender equality.
  • Date and place: 22nd of June 2023 from 13:00 to 14:30 Online. (CEST).
  • Target: guidance professionals.
  • Link to videoNueva ventana

Jornadas sobre Altas Capacidades en Toledo

Conference on High Capacities in Toledo
  • Do you want to know more about High Capacities? Don't miss the Conference that will take place at the University of Castilla La Mancha in Toledo on Saturday, September 16, organized by BEGABUNG, EDUCADE and FACTO. This exceptional event will bring together experts and enthusiasts to explore all aspects of High Ability in an educational and nurturing environment. Reserve your place and join this exciting adventure of knowledge and discovery.
  • Date and place: 16 of September.
  • Target: guidance professionals and families.
  • More information.

School success and the culture of effort

El éxito escolar y la cultura del esfuerzo
  • Webinar organized by COPOE (Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain) to present the training course "School success and the culture of effort" by Ana Roa, pedagogical tutor of the course.
  • Date and place: September 20 at 7:00 p.m. On-line. No registration required.
  • Target: guidance professionals, families and educators.
  • More information and access to the webinar.

Prevention, detection and intervention against suicide risk in education

Prevención, detección e intervención ante el riesgo suicida en educación
  • COPOE (Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain) organizes this webinar to present the 50-hour course from October 4 to November 12: "Prevention, detection and intervention against suicidal risk in education", with the participation of Ernesto Gutiérrez-Crespo, pedagogical tutor of the course.
  • Date and place: September 27 at 7:00 p.m. Free access via Zoom, no registration required.
  • Target: Teachers, Secondary Education and High School Teachers, Vocational Training and Guidance Services professionals.
  • More information and access to the course

National Congress About High Capacities 2023

Congreso Nacional Sobre Altas Capacidades 2023
  • The Educade Association, dedicated to training and education, has organized this conference about high abilities in which they will share current knowledge, innovative research and practical strategies to nurture the potential of students with high abilities.

  • Date and place: October 20 and 21, 2023 in Pinto (Madrid). Also online.

  • Target: guidance professionals, families, educators and experts interested in the development and support of high abilities in the educational field.

  • More information and tickets.

Guidance for students with siblings with educational needs

Orientación al alumnado con hermanos con necesidades educativas
  • Webinar organized by COPOE (Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain) to present the course “Guidance for students with siblings with educational needs” with the participation of Diego Jesús Luque Parra, pedagogical tutor of the course.
  • Date and place: October 24 at 7:00 p.m. On-line. No registration required.
  • Target: guidance professionals, families and educators.
  • More information and access to the course.Nueva ventana

Webinar “Europass as a Career Guidance tool”

Webinar “Europass como herramienta de Orientación Profesional”
  • Training organized by EG Spain within the actions of the General Secretariat of Vocational Training that has the collaboration of the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) for its development with which it will be possible to obtain knowledge of the new resources for the updating and developing professional guidance work with a practical nature and free of charge. The session is divided into two parts and will be presented by Nuria Ballesteros Rincón, Head of the Guidance Service of the General Subdirectorate of Guidance and Lifelong Learning, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training; and David Delgado Martín, Head of Service of the National Europass Center in the Professional Training Unit of SEPIE, Ministry of Universities.
  • Date: 31 de octubre 11:30 – 12:30.
  • Target: Counselors of Integrated Vocational Training Centers and Secondary Education Institutes. Counselors of Professional Guidance Units. Job counselors. Other professionals who work in the field of professional guidance and insertion.

Online workshop about educational inclusion in FP

Taller online sobre inclusión educativa en FP
  • Free workshop organized by the Association of Psychopedagogy of Euskadi (ApsidE) with the aim of providing guidelines to avoid the current premature abandonment and academic failure of students with specific educational needs, and to identify the main characteristics and methodology that facilitate the educational inclusion of the students with specific educational needs in FP. The workshop will be presented by the psychologist and pedagogue Ernesto Gutiérrez-Crespo. Registrations closed.
  • Date and place: November 21 and 28, 2023, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. On-line.
  • Target: Vocational Training Teachers. Management teams, teachers and guidance staff of educational centers. Advisors to Berritzegunes (Support Centers for Training and Educational Innovation). Members of the entities that make up the Eskubidez forum.
  • More information

Scientific Conferences on High Capacities

Jornadas Científicas sobre Altas Capacidades
  • Free conferences on High Abilities with group and specific activities for professionals and families organized by ACYTAL Levante (Alicante Association for the Support of High Intellectual Abilities and Talents), the Miguel Hernández University and the CEIP Luis Vives of Elche, with the aim of identify and work on high intellectual capacity, enhance talent through educational administration, and learn about the transition and development of students with high abilities at the University. Admission is free and registration to attend is required.
  • Date and place: 1-2 December, 2023. Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Alicante). Aula Magna UMH Ed.Altabix.
  • Target: Education professionals and families.
  • More information

IX Foro Alianza para la FP Dual

  • The IX edition of the Alliance Forum for Dual FP, co-organized by the Bertelsmann Foundation and Repsol, has provided a space for dialogue in which representatives from the business and educational world, as well as institutions and experts at a national and international level, have debated the transition from dual vocational training towards a model of future success. In addition, they have presented key initiatives and projects of dual vocational training in companies, educational centers and organizations, the Forum has also delved into dual education in the university environment, learn about the results of a study on the dual nature of educational centers, delve into the figure of the business prospector and discover first-hand the vision of young people about the dual vocational training model itself.
  • Date and place: 21-22 in Madrid.
  • Target: guidance professionals from the business and educational world, institutions and experts.
  • Complete review.Nueva ventana

Artificial Intelligence in educational Guidance

La Inteligencia Artificial en la orientación educativa
  • The 3rd Cycle of conferences organized by COPOE (Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain), the Open University of Catalonia and in collaboration with the Aragonese Association of Psychopedagogy, presents three free online seminars on artificial intelligence in educational guidance, the factor human in educational orientation and the importance of research for the psychopedagogy professional. The first webinar begins on Wednesday 22 and will feature Cristóbal Calderón (COPOE) and Miguel A. Torrico (UOC) as speakers, and Paz Civit (COPOE) as moderator. Access to the seminar is free, although registration is required.
  • Date and place: November 22, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. On-line.
  • Target: Education and guidance professionals.
  • More information

16th edition of the Educaweb Awards for Academic and Professional Guidance 2023

16ª edición Premios Educaweb de Orientación Académica y Profesional 2023
  • The Educaweb education and training portal will announce the award-winning guidance projects in the 16th edition to be held on November 23 with a 82% more participation compared to the previous year.Salto de línea The objective of these awards is to recognize and promote the guidance initiatives carried out by counselors, educational and training centers, as well as institutions and companies, to value guidance as a public good with universal access.
  • Target: Guidance professionals.
  • Video access
  • Winner projects of the 16th edition of the Educaweb Awards

Guidance as a future strategy

La orientación como estrategia de futuro
  • The Madrid Business Confederation – CEOE (CEIM), with the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Community of Madrid, and with the collaboration of the Empieza por Educar Foundation and the support of JPMorgan, organize this event to discuss the opportunities for academic and professional guidance to bring professions and sectors closer to students and contribute to training future talent in sectors with high employability and projection. At this meeting, the "Companies That Inspire" movement will be presented as a consolidated initiative to bring closer the educational and professional world, which facilitates students with the possibility of participating in experiences in real work environments during their educational stage, providing them with knowledge for making decisions about your professional future.
  • Date and place: Friday, November 24, 2023 / 12:00 p.m. CEIM C/ Diego de León 50.
  • Target: National and foreign companies.
  • More information Nueva ventana

Career Transitions: Counselling for highly qualified migrants

Transiciones profesionales: asesoramiento para inmigrantes altamente cualificados.
  • This free webinar organized by Euroguidance Switzerland is designed to assist vocational, study and career counsellors facing the challenge of providing counselling to highly skilled migrants.
  • Date and place: December 7th at 2.30 – 4.30 p.m. (CET). Online.
  • Target: Vocational, study and career counsellors.
  • More information and registration

Annual meeting to disseminate Erasmus+ 2023

Jornada anual de difusión Erasmus+ 2023
  • The SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education) has organized the “Annual Erasmus+ dissemination meeting" within the framework of the European Year of Skills to make visible the work of the year 2023. In addition, the Erasmus+ recognitions, the EITA awards, and the awards of the European seal of Languages will be awarded. The event will be directed by Mr. Antolín Romero Ortega, communicator and presenter of the program “Aquí Hay Trabajo” on TVE's La 2.
  • Date and place: December 12th. Teatro Real, Plaza Isabel II, s/n, Madrid.
  • Target: Teaching staff from an institution with Erasmus+ projects.
  • Link to videoNueva ventana

Ibercaja Foundation presents the first 'Educate for the future' awards

Fundación Ibercaja entrega los primeros premios 'Educar para el futuro'
  • For the first time in its history, the Ibercaja Foundation organizes an edition of awards for teachers and schools, the “Educate for the Future” Awards, with two different awards in the competition: “Educate for the Future 2023 Award for the Center Most Innovative Educational”, and the “Educate for the Future 2023 Award” for the most innovative teacher. These awards have been designed with the objective of recognizing centers that advance educational innovation, and teachers who lead and incorporate innovative media and methodologies within the classrooms. The awards, granted to the Gloria Fuertes Special Education Center (Andorra, Teruel) and to teachers Beatriz Mediavilla and Beatriz Pérez of the CEIP Foro Romano (Cuarte de Huerva, Zaragoza), aim to reward the advances and the most innovative methodologies promoted within spanish classrooms.
  • Target: Teachers and schools.
  • Press releaseNueva ventana