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Entrepreneurship / Social Skills

Skills Profiling Tool

Skills Profiling Tool

This tool assesses a set of skills to help you (and your career guidance counsellor) find out what your strengths are, and suggests some jobs that make use of those skills to help you decide on your next career move.

Emotional Development School Program Guide

Emotional Development School Program Guide

  • Affective disorders at school

CULTIVATING EMOTIONS. Emotional education from 3 to 8 years

CULTIVATING EMOTIONS. Emotional education from 3 to 8 years

Recursos prácticos sobre educación emocional a modo de guía, dirigidos a los profesionales de la educación para enseñanza Preescolar y de primer ciclo de Primaria para educar en la afectividad y sobre las competencias básicas. Se abordan diversos temas como autoconocimiento emocional, autoestima, autocontrol emocional, empatía, habilidades sociales y comunicación y resolución de conflictos.

Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills

Social skills can be defined as a set of interpersonal skills and abilities that allow us to relate to other people in an appropriate way, being able to express our feelings, opinions, desires or needs in different contexts or situations, without tension, anxiety or other negative emotions.

Social skills notebook frontpage

Social skills

Notebook with social skills activities for the last years of Primary Education, and also valid for the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education

Chamber of Commerce icon

Creation of enterprises

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce is a public law corporation whose purpose is to represent, promote and defend the general interests of Spanish companies. It includes resources, especially for entrepreneurs.

YOU ROCK. Discover your future icon

YOU ROCK. Discover your future

Employment promotion social network that connects users and companies.

It helps employers to:

  • Identify new proactive employees with specific skills.
  • Locate candidates internationally - with 20 languages available.

Helps users to:

  • Identify their professional competencies and highlight their strengths.
  • Create a portfolio of their online content, showcasing their skills.
national coat of arms

Tools for entrepreneurs

The Directorate General for Industrial strategy and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is an organic unit belonging to the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, whose objectives include facilitating and promoting fluid communication with companies and agents from different sectors, with special emphasis on the implementation of policies to support and promote small and medium-sized enterprises. icon

Entrepreneurship in Vocational Training

Links to resources on: the promotion of entrepreneurship in the education system, specific training for entrepreneurship in VET, entrepreneurship websites, entrepreneurship regulations.

How to be competent: professional competences in demand in the labour market

How to be competent: professional competences in demand in the labour market

Catalogue of 18 worksheets on 18 transversal and generic competences in different business cultures and in demand to access the labour market.

Icaro Project icon

Icaro Project

Website for job seekers to acquire the personal and social skills (soft skills) that companies value most when recruiting their staff.

Social skills notebook frontpage

Social skills

Notebook with social skills activities for the last years of Primary Education, and also valid for the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education
