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  3. Academic and Vocational Guidance Point: POAP

Academic and Vocational Guidance Point: POAP

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Author(s) or persons responsible

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of the Balearic Islands. Regional Ministry of Economic Model, Industry and Labour of the Balearic Islands.

Target group

The POAP focuses mainly on people of working age, who have left the education system and/or wish to develop their professional career.

It also aims to be a reference for the guidance departments of educational centres, the guidance services of the SOIB (Employment Service of the Balearic Islands) offices, the guidance services of local councils and for any other service involved in academic and vocational guidance in relation to the integrated vocational training system (vocational training cycles of the educational system, certificates of professionalism and accreditation of professional competences).

  • Workers / Unemployed
  • Guidance counsellors
  • Specific groups due to different conditioning factors (socio-economic, social exclusion, special educational needs, early school leavers, etc.).


The Academic and Vocational Guidance Point (POAP) is a service created to attend, guide and resolve queries about the integrated system of qualifications and vocational training.

The POAP is staffed by technicians from the Directorate General for Vocational Training and Teacher Training and the Balearic Islands Employment Service (SOIB). This initiative, which brings together both departments, is the first to bring together technicians from Employment and Education in the same department (consolidating itself as a first example of the creation of an integrated guidance system).

It is therefore a pioneering project with the aim of providing guidance and information on vocational training courses, SOIB certificates of professionalism, as well as the possibility of accrediting work experience through the Balearic Institute of Professional Qualifications.

In order to achieve its objective, the POAP develops both group and individual actions.


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Results and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation system (report of each academic year, register of consultations, user satisfaction questionnaire).

Large increase in the number of users requesting the service and progressive increase of the Academic and Vocational Guidance Points (POAP).


Generalisation (transfer to other contexts)

The agreement between both administrations is essential for the person to be the centre of attention and thus facilitate access to quality guidance and counselling in a single service.

Web links
