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Euroguidance Insight. The magazine for the European Guidance Community

Fecha: 20/07/2023


The Euroguidance Network has published online the latest issue of its magazine 'Insight', aimed at the European guidance community.Salto de línea Salto de línea The leading theme of this issue is 'Meeting the future today: Competence development for the guidance community’. With this title, the magazine presents in detail the conference that the Network organized to commemorate its 30th anniversary in Prague last November to give it greater diffusion and facilitate access to the interventions and workshops of the program for a greater number of professionals.Salto de línea Salto de línea In addition, it includes a series of articles that can be very useful to learn about experiences and models of work and guidance development in different countries, and provides information on good practices in the European context developed within the Erasmus+ Program.

Link to the magazinePDF
