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  3. Proyecto Ítaca Extremadura

Proyecto Ítaca Extremadura

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Author(s) or persons responsible

Guidance and Intermediation Service, Extremadura Public Employment Service (SEXPE) and Education Diversity Service.

Target group

4th Secondary Education, Specific Group Reinforcement and Care Program. VET cycles.


The protocol of Educational and Vocational Guidance of Extremadura is a procedure established to systematize the collaboration between the processes of educational guidance and vocational guidance carried out in the Employment Centers whose purposes, among others, are to facilitate the transition to the labor stage of students who graduate and to raise awareness among students who leave without a degree of the limited possibilities offered by the labor market without the required qualifications.

The objectives of this program are:

- Improve the transition from the education system to the workplace by strengthening the link between education and employment.

- To contribute to the prevention of early school leaving.

- To promote the acquisition of transversal competencies as a means of preparing students to enter the labor market.

The following practice was carried out between the Hervás Employment Center and the IES Valle de Ambroz. The steps followed are described below:

Initial teachers training days:

- Presentation of each specialist

- Constitution of the work team

- Initial detection of needs

- Integration of experiences

- Training of new methodologies

Coordination meetings:

- Initial meeting at the Extremadura Public Employment Service (SEXPE).

- Successive individualized meetings

- Permanent communication

Contents worked with 4ºESO and Reinforcement and Attention Program in Specific Group:

- Transversal competences

- Knowledge acquisition

- Professional development

Contents worked on with Basic Vocational Training and EPA

- Occupational, continuous and training-employment training programs.

- Youth Guarantee

- Certificates of professionalism

- Extremadura Public Employment Service SEXPE

Contents worked with 2nd year of Intermediate Level and 2nd year of Higher Level:

- Transversal/soft competences

- Technical competences

- Tools and resources

The Itaca project also begins in the 1st year of ESO and works on the decision making process of the academic-professional future from 2nd to 4th year of ESO.

Web link

Link Nueva ventana


  • Training activity


  • Job Search
  • Career Choice
  • Cooperation between various actors and networks


  • Education: Compulsory education
  • Employment

Results and Evaluation

  • Final questionnaire
  • End of course report
  • Difficulties
  • Why is it worth it?


The experience is transferable to other secondary schools.
