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Year 2024

Professional Guidance and Entrepreneurship Conference (YOU LEAD)

Professional Guidance and Entrepreneurship Conference (YOU LEAD)
  • The Professional Guidance and Entrepreneurship Conferences (YOU LEAD), organized by Siena Education, with the participation of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, were held on January 26 with the aim of offering students an experience that transforms their attitude and motivation in making decisions about their future. The students who attended the meeting were able to attend different presentations depending on the studies they want to focus on (biosanitary, social, humanities, polytechnic, etc.).

    In addition, they were able to investigate the peculiarities of each career, their professional opportunities and the different experiences of excellent professionals. The Ministry collaborated at its stand offering information about FP and the FP Conecta application. In the workshop programming, escape room activities were carried out with the title: FP Mission. Asunción Manzanares, Deputy Director General of Guidance and Lifelong Learning of the General Secretariat of Vocational Training, spoke at the closing of the event.

  • Date and place: January 26, 2024. La Nave (C. Cifuentes, 5, Madrid).
  • Target: ESO, High School, FP students and teachers.

A summary of the event will soon be visible on YouTube.

International Conference on Lifelong Guidance

Professional Guidance and Entrepreneurship Conference (YOU LEAD)
  • This International Congress on «Lifelong Guidance» organized between the Spanish Association of Guidance and Psychopedagogy (AEOP) and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), in collaboration with the National University of Distance Education (UNED), represents a unique opportunity for professionals in practice and training, from different work contexts, to meet and share ideas and proposals related to Guidance in the educational, work and socio-community fields.
  • Date and place: February 22/23, 2024. Carlos Santamaría Center UPV / EHU. Donostia-San Sebastián.
  • Target: guidance professionals from the formal/non-formal education, labor and socio-community, as well as relevant people from the administration.
  • More information here. Nueva ventana

V Fair of Universities and Higher studies

Professional Guidance and Entrepreneurship Conference (YOU LEAD)
  • The V edition of the Fair of Universities and Higher Studies of the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Prado in Ciudad Real will host universities from all over Spain on February 29, 2024, as well as international entities that stand out worldwide in the different sectors with the main objective of guiding and offering young people true support in choosing their academic and professional future.
  • Date and place: February 29, 2024. Colegio Nuestra Señora del Prado, Ciudad Real.
  • Target: Higher Degree Vocational Training Students.
  • Video from Municipal Television of Ciudad Real (CRTV) Youtube.

3rd Cycle of UOC and COPOE conferences: “The human factor in educational guidance.”

3º Ciclo de conferencias UOC y COPOE: “El factor humano en la orientación educativa”
  • Second webinar of the third edition of the Conference Series organized by the Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain (COPOE), together with the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), in collaboration with the Aragonese Association of Psychopedagogy. This webinar is titled “The human factor in educational guidance” and is free.
  • Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 - 6 p.m.
  • Target: Education and guidance professionals, educational center counselors.
  • Seminar video available. Youtube

La Rioja - Vocational Training Fair

Feria de Formación Profesional La Rioja

In this event organized by FP La Rioja you will be able to discover the professional options and families that are taught in La Rioja as Vocational Training, through 28 informative exhibitors. In the morning, schools can visit the Fair by appointment and admission will be free in the afternoon.

Third day of Orientation for educational inclusion

Tercera jornada de Orientación para la inclusión educativa

The UNED with the ONCE Foundation, organize the “III Orientation Conference for inclusive education: Guaranteeing access to Higher Education and employability for all people.” This III edition focuses on highlighting the importance of guidance professionals and identifying strategies to improve the access of students with disabilities to higher education and their subsequent incorporation into the labor market.

The sessions will be available to the community with the recording of the plenary.

Date: April 11, 2024, at the UNED Faculty of Education from 09:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Target: People with disabilities and guidance professionals.

More informationNueva ventana

"Study at UCLM" Fair and Open Days 2024

o	Feria Estudia en la UCLM y Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas 2024

This event organized by the University of Castilla-La Mancha takes place one more year on different campuses where students and their families will be able to see up close all the faculties and schools on different campuses as well as general information and activities of the UCLM.

Euroguidance Webinar: “Covid as an unprecedented disruption: Lessons learnt on the future shaping of careers?

Seminario Web de Euroguidance: “Covid como una disrupción sin precedentes: ¿Lecciones aprendidas sobre la configuración futura de las carreras?”.

During this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the changes in the world of work in the last 3 decades and the accelerating force of major external disruptions like Covid 19 and how these changes have shifted the meaning of work and therefore how we conceptualise and manage careers.

Professor Vincent Cassar, from the University of Malta, and Dr Celia Hadjichristodoulou, Founder and Managing Director of GrantXpert Consulting, Cyprus will be the keynote speakers.

Euroguidance Webinar: “Covid as an unprecedented disruption: Lessons learnt on the future shaping of careers?

o	Seminario web de Euroguidance Spain: Dimensión europea de la orientación profesional

Informative webinar: “European dimension of vocational guidance: Euroguidance Spain”, organized by the Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning Unit of the MEFPD, with the aim of showing the Euroguidance Network and its role in the development of guidance through cooperation and collaboration between professionals from member countries. Coordinated by Nuria Ballesteros Rincón, Head of the Orientation Service.

  • Date: May 8. 11:15 – 12:30. Online, Microsoft TEAMS.
  • Target: Educational counselors from IES, educational counselors from CIFP, career counselors and Career Training and Guidance teachers.
  • More informationPDF

Ciudad Real Vocational Training Fair “Inspire your entrepreneurial spark.”

Feria de Formación Profesional Ciudad Real “Inspira tu chispa emprendedora”

The Ciudad Real Vocational Training Fair held on May 13 brought together many young people from the province in the FERCAM fairgrounds to exhibit what their educational center does, and to find out about the wide range of offers available in vocational training in other centers, and the positive job opportunities they have. At the fair we could see a lot of exhibitors who have offered their work and their courses, some of them with avant-garde elements. Different karts, 3D printers, virtual reality glasses, training offers in mechanics, carpentry, hairdressing, medicine, cooking, as well as paintings, and information from collaborating institutions and companies.

  • Date and place: May 13th. FERCAM fairgrounds in Manzanares. 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Target: Active teachers who teach in Vocational Training cycles, counselors and secondary education teachers.
  • Video accessYoutube

Ciudad Real Vocational Training Fair “Inspire your entrepreneurial spark.”


This Meeting is organized by AOSMA (Association of Counselors of Malaga), with the collaboration of FAPOAN (Federation of Associations of Guidance Professionals in Andalusia) and COPOE (Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain). It will discuss the most relevant aspects that affect the daily practice of Guidance professionals, the new needs that 21st century society poses to us in a comprehensive and systemic way.

In this linkNueva ventana you will find detailed information about this event:

  • Date and place: May 17-18, 2024, at the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy of the University of Malaga.
  • Target: Guidance professionals.

Mental health and educational responses


Course organized by COPOE (Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain) with approach tools for education professionals with the purpose of seeking the necessary emotional support that guarantees the prevention of maladaptive behaviors at school level that trigger the most common mental health disorders today.

  • Date and place: May 1-June 9, 2024. Online.
  • Target: Childhood and Primary Education Teachers, Secondary School Teachers, High School and Vocational Training and Guidance Services professionals.

Emotional well-being awards in the educational field

Premios de bienestar emocional en el ámbito educativo

The Ministry announces the second edition of the Emotional Wellbeing Awards in the educational field to recognize the efforts made by educational centers and their contribution to improving the quality of education.

  • Target:
    • Modality A: centers supported by public funds that provide Early Childhood and Primary education (including Special Education centers).
    • Modality B: centers supported by public funds that teach Secondary Education, Basic and Intermediate Vocational Training Cycles, and teaching of Adults (including Special Education centers).
  • The deadline for submitting applications has ended.
  • More informationNueva ventana

17th edition: Educaweb Awards for Academic and Professional Guidance 2024

o	17ª edición Premios Educaweb de Orientación Académica y Profesional 2024
  • Educaweb launches the call to participate in the 17th edition Educaweb Awards for Academic and Professional Guidance. These awards are intended to recognize, give visibility and promote the guidance initiatives carried out by guidance professionals, educational and training centers, as well as institutions and companies, in relation to guidance at any stage of life, to enhance their competencies and abilities for professional career management and entrepreneurship and, promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination. The deadline for submitting projects has ended. The award ceremony will be held on 28 November 2024.
  • More informationNueva ventana

Webinar: "Inclusion on the labour market through career counseling and good practices".

Webinar: “Inclusión en el mercado laboral a través de la orientación profesional y buenas prácticas”.
  • On 7th November 2024 at 2.00 pm., an international webinar took place, organised jointly by the Polish and Czech teams of the Euroguidance network. The topic of the event was inclusion in career guidance. As part of the meeting, two experts from Poland and Czech Republic shared their experience and good practices of working with people with special needs.
  • Date: 7 November, 2024.
  • Target: career guidance practitioners.
  • More informationNueva ventana

2nd Edition of the Awards for Excellence in Orientation

Awards for Excellence in Orientation

The Excellence in Guidance Awards aim to raise awareness and reward academic and professional guidance projects and activities promoted by educational centres in Spain.

  • Date: You can apply from 25 September 2024 to 25 November 2024 (both inclusive).
  • Target: educational centers of any ownership that teach any of these educational stages: Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate.
  • More information and terms of the call Nueva ventana

2nd Edition of the Awards for Excellence in Orientation

Awards for Excellence in Orientation

The Bertelsmann Foundation and Airbus Spain organized this congress, dedicated to sharing and promoting good practices, key initiatives and projects of dual VET in companies, educational centers and organizations, as well as exploring the practical implementation of the new VET Law (Law 3/2022).

Education for Climate Day 2024

Awards for Excellence in Orientation
  • Event of the Education for Climate Coalition, titled​ “Climate Resilience - Preparing for the Future”.​ The programme will include informative discussions and inspiring presentations, thematic sessions in participatory format cover a broad range of climate education issues, including a community networking café.
  • Date: 28 November from 9:30 to 18:00 CET online.
  • Target: learners of all ages and learning levels, educators, trainers, education stakeholders, institutions, industry professionals, NGOs, and anyone passionate about the green transition and sustainable development.
  • Streaming of the day: Nueva ventana