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Erasmus Days 2023

Fecha: 31/05/2023


From October 9 to 14, "Erasmus Days" 2023 will be held, an initiative of the European Union that is held annually with the aim of publicizing the benefits and opportunities offered by Erasmus+ mobility programs.

This edition is focused on the European Year of Skills.

The period to register and share your personal European experience in an ERASMUS + on social networks is now open, using the hashtag #ErasmusDays. Also as an organization you can register to publicize your event related to Erasmus+: Open days, exhibitions, debates, digital events, networking, discussions, conferences, concerts, distribution of Europass mobility documents and much more.

All activities registered and validated by SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education) will appear on the map of this European campaign.

Interested citizens can find out about all the activities that are organized and participate in them during the Erasmus Days. Also contribute your opinion on social networks with the hashtag #ErasmusDays. In the last edition of 2022 6,295 activities were carried out around the world. This year it is expected to exceed that number.

From the INJUVE (Youth Institute) they encourage the centers and beneficiaries of Erasmus+ to participate in the #ErasmusDays.

The form to register activities and experiences is now available on the Erasmus Days website.
