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Final conclusions of the 2023 Academy Program

Fecha: 26/06/2023


Conclusiones finales del Programa Academia 2023

The Academy 2023 Program ends with an excellent participation of guidance professionals who have traveled from Spain to other countries of the European Union: France, Estonia, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Denmark and Latvia.

The final meeting took place at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training where Asunción Manzanares Moya, Deputy Director General for Guidance and Lifelong Learning, General Secretariat for Vocational Training at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, congratulated everyone. the professionals for their contributions, thanking each one of them for their use in this European mobility program and encouraging them to transfer everything they have learned into professional practice in their centers as well as dissemination in other educational collaboration spaces.

During this day they shared their testimonies explaining how they have been positively enriched thanks to the contact and knowledge of the guidance systems in the different countries visited and how this can benefit them in their professional work to implement new actions in permanent guidance. They rate Academia as a great opportunity for any professional seeking comprehensive development in an inspiring environment.

One of the most important aspects to highlight of this closing day has been the comparison of the orientation systems in the different countries. The importance of observing systems other than Spanish in order to update the knowledge they already have and consider these new theoretical perspectives and ideas to apply them in their professional lives.

The participants of the Academy Program who have traveled to European countries highlight the use of tangible resources such as guides or letters of competences to develop their interventions, and the gamification of the materials intended for orientation.

On the other hand, they consider necessary a more extensive, regular and consolidated training for teachers who work with students with educational needs, in resources, tools and instruments for their professional and vocational guidance, as well as the incorporation of guidance from the earliest stages as a principle of quality. They consider Academia as a source to promote innovation, updating and the creation of national and European guidance ties.

In more specific and current aspects of the field of guidance, the participants in the Academy project also expressed common needs and concerns in the different European guidance systems visited in relation to the socio-emotional skills of their students and mental health, as well as improvements in academic-professional guidance platforms. Finally, it is necessary to emphasise the importance of using tools and applications such as MyWayPass or SkillMill that help to know the skills of the students and the existing international experiences, and that have a direct impact on greater synergies between orientation and occupation, thus ensuring a synchrony between the chosen training and vocation.

The professionals participating in the Academy Program agree that they have received very valuable information during their different stays on guidance throughout life in mostly multicultural contexts and have taken the different guidance methods used in those countries.

The General Sub-directorate for Guidance and Lifelong Learning of the General Secretariat for Vocational Training is already working on the next ACADEMIA 2023-2024 call.

You can get all the information at the following link.

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