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Lifelong learning and career management - evaluation of Europass since 2018

Fecha: 07/02/2023


Consulta pública para evaluar el impacto y utilidad de Europass

The European Commission has launched a public consultation linked to the currently ongoing evaluation of the Europass Decision 2018-2022.

Europass is a set of online tools and information that supports the user in their lifelong learning and career management. It can be used by learners, jobseekers, workers, volunteers, education and training providers, guidance practitioners and employers, among others. It helps users to better communicate and present skills and qualifications and to compare qualifications.

The objective of the consultation is to gather evidence about the take-up and wider impact of Europass on the European labour market and skills and lifelong learning policies. Moreover, respondents’ feedback on their experience with Europass and the usefulness of its tools will help the Commission further improve the Europass services.

This evaluation will analyse the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of Europass since 2018. Contributions will be taken into account in the development and refinement of the initiative.

The deadline to complete the survey and send comments will end on February 28.

All the information and bases here.Nueva ventana
