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Brochures and Information materials

New challenges for guidance in inclusive education and children’s rights

New challenges for guidance in inclusive education and children’s rights

The new FP: 10 keys to how it will be

The new FP: 10 keys to how it will be

Lifelong learning and keys to promote it

Lifelong learning and keys to promote it

OECD 2021 Education Policy Perspectives No. 36

OECD 2021 Education Policy Perspectives No. 36

CEDEFOP (2021). A fresh look at guidance practitioner professionalism

CEDEFOP (2021). A fresh look at guidance practitioner professionalism

CEDEFOP (2021). Trends, transitions and transformation

CEDEFOP (2021). Trends, transitions and transformation

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SEPIE (2020): Erasmus+ brochures and infographics

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CEDEFOP (2020). Briefing note - Not just new jobs: digital innovation supports careers

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CEDEFOP (2019). Briefing note - Preventing low skills through lifelong learning

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SEPE 2019. Graduate: your job in Europe with EURES

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SEPIE (2020): Erasmus+ brochures and infographics
