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Organisations and Networks

Organisations and Networks section: networking with Europe

Other networks and organisations of reference in the development of lifelong guidance, lifelong learning opportunities and employment opportunities have been selected.

INJUVE Youth institute

INJUVE Youth institute

Public organisation, attached to the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, whose main activity is aimed at promoting actions for the benefit of young people.


CEDEFOP: (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)

It is the European Union Agency for the Development of Vocational Education and Training (VET). It provides detailed information on developments and trends in VET, as well as data and technical advice on how European vocational education and training policies can address the challenges facing society.

EACG: (European Association of Career Guidance) logo

EACG: (European Association of Career Guidance)

It promotes the visibility of guidance and counselling at European level.

ERASMUS + logo


It is the EU programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It covers all levels of education: school, vocational training, higher education and adult education.

EURES: (European Job Mobility Portal) logo

EURES: (European Job Mobility Portal)

Cooperation network for employment and free movement of workers in the EU. It provides information and advice on job vacancies and applications, the situation and evolution of the labour market and on living and working conditions in each country.



European network offering a comprehensive information and guidance service to young people: they disseminate European learning mobility opportunities, provide information content of interest to young people and deal with individual queries that young people may have.



European network in charge of providing analysis and information on the functioning and organisation of education systems in the different European countries.

IAEVG logo

IAEVG: (International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance)

It works globally in the field of lifelong learning. Its objectives include addressing diversity and social justice in both education and employment, promoting accessibility to quality guidance and making recommendations on the professional profile and qualifications of guidance practitioners.


ICCDPP (International Centre for career Development and Public Policy)

Its aim is to promote and facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge on public policy and career development. News, reports and articles on career guidance can be found on its website.

OCDE logo

OCDE (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)

International organisation with 37 member countries working together to better address economic, social and governance challenges, to take advantage of new opportunities and to coordinate local and international policies. In the Topics section you can access reports and studies in the fields of Education and Employment of great interest to the guidance counsellor.

SEPIE logo

SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education)

Its objective is to help modernise and internationalise the Spanish education system in order to achieve a more cohesive and inclusive society that allows citizens to actively develop in democratic life and to achieve their full personal development. Among other actions, it is responsible for the management and dissemination of the Erasmus+ programme in our country.
