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  2. Good Practices
  3. On-Line Professional Orientation Service

On-Line Professional Orientation Service

Author(s) or Responsible or Organizing/collaborating Entities:

INAEM ORIENTA belongs to CEPYME in collaboration with the GOVERNMENT OF ARAGON.

Target audience:

  • Students of Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and University Degree Studies.
  • Workers/ Unemployed
  • Groups of users with disabilities.


Aimed at any person actively seeking employment in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

The page has resources, information and tools that allow people independently and/or with the help of an ONLINE tutor, to establish a personalized and individualized itinerary of insertion to promote and improve their employability.

It includes tools related to:

  • Self-knowledge: employability, self-knowledge, competencies and decision making.
  • Training: for employment, formal training, homologation of diplomas, internships and scholarships, training and disability.
  • Job search tools: from the user and the company.
  • Information on the labor market and job offers and self-employment.
  • Information on Qualifications, Certificates of Professionalism and Professional Cards.
  • Online workshops related to different skills and strategies for job search.

Requires a Registration in this page to manage the Private Area of each user.


  • Service
  • Intervention
  • Tools


  • Job search.
  • Support in transitions and critical moments of decision making (high school/FP; high school/university, high school/labor market; changing from one job to another, etc.).
  • Profile diagnosis


  • Employment.
  • Non-regulated training.

Results and Evaluation:

The Service has served approximately 20,000 users, 15,000 people tutored, 3,000 online workshops conducted and 20,000 offers communicated during 2020.

Generalization (transfer to other contexts):

This tool is a good example of institutional cooperation between the labor world and the administration to join efforts to provide citizens with access to relevant information to define their training itineraries and job search.

Web link:
