The “Learning by Leaving 2022” Conference is an initiative organized by the European mobility networks Euroguidance, EURES, Eurodesk and Europass. After a period of several years, since 2018 the annual call for this conference has been held again, which is organized in each edition by one of the countries that are part of the aforementioned networks.
The object of the Conference is the establishment of a closer cooperation between the European mobility networks, through the regular exchange of information, good practices and peer learning. This greater coordination allows the creation of synergies between the networks in order to increase the quality of the service we provide to citizens in our countries.
Spain has organized the meeting this year, previously held in Austria. Thus, the four Spanish networks, dependent on four different Ministries, have worked together in the organization of the Conference that has been entitled "Digital Nomads in the XXI century" and has focused on the relationship between Mobility and Digitization: it has analyzed how these two concepts are linked in today's society and how users' digital skills influence their mobility opportunities and better management of their personal and professional life projects. Initiatives have been presented that try to facilitate the development of digital skills in real mobility experiences.
The LbL22 Conference has been held in Palma (Mallorca) on October 26, 27 and 28, within the premises of the School of Hospitality of the Balearic Islands (EHIB), and more than 130 participants from different European countries have attended of the four networks.
At the inauguration of the Conference, the heads of the different departments of the Ministries on which the four networks involved depend took part. In her speech as a representative of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, to which the Euroguidance Spain network belongs, Asunción Manzanares Moya, General Deputy Director of Guidance and Lifelong Learning, highlighted the importance that mobility and digitization have for time to define the lines and strategies in the development of professional guidance at the service of a society in a continuous process of technological change and globalization.
Those attending the Conference, in addition to deepening existing inter and intra-network ties, have been able to attend various plenary sessions, as well as participate in various workshops that have been carried out simultaneously by members of the different networks.
We detail below the workshops presented by members of the Euroguidance Network during the Conference:
- Workshop A1: How to reach vulnerable people for life long guidance? Eva Maria Ternité and Daniella van Uden (Netherlands) from Euroguidance, promoted a participatory workshop in relation to the detection of risk groups, the needs they present for access to training, employment and digitization, as well as on the policies that the different national administrations are developing to meet these needs.
- Workshop A3: Unique academic e-course for career practitioners on mobility in Europe. Margit Rammo, from Euroguidance, together with representatives of the other networks: EUROPASS Estonia and EURES, the quality labeled e-course is a powerful tool to improve the skills and competences of professionals in multiculturalism and learning and labor mobility in the EU.
- Workshop B2: Team management between trust and control. Jan Vogel (Euroguidance/EURES from Germany). He raised a reflection through questions on key aspects to generate debate in the participants on how trust, structuring and hierarchy of the different roles in jobs influence labor responsibility and teleworking.
- Workshop C2: A perfect fit or a perfect storm? Creating synergies between Euroguidance & Europass. Mia Trcol (Euroguidance Croatia). In this workshop carried out by Euroguidance and Europass Croatia, the tools that will be used to solve the problems or doubts that users may have when using the new platform were explained. In addition, the new electronic course that the Euroguidance network is currently developing was exposed, the aim of which is to help counselors so that their clients know the Europass resources in order to support them in defining their professional career.
- Workshop C3: Professional development through self-paced online course: Lessons learned from the C-Course project. Ladislav Ostroha (Euroguidance Slovakia). This workshop covered the entire production process of the course and participants gained insight into the design, development and dissemination of e-learning.
- Workshop D1: Inclusive mobility. Call to action. Valérie Van Hees (Euroguidance Belgium). They presented an interesting workshop on different measures, strategies, and resources as a support platform for mobility and employability plans for vulnerable groups.
- Workshop E1: How social media impacts youth´s selection of profession? Dainius Jakučionis (Euroguidance Lithuania) led, based on recent data and studies, a discussion regarding the current influence of media and social networks on young people's decision-making, including educational and professional decisions.
- Workshop E2: Guidance in the Digital World: Needs and Obligations. Mustafa Tiryaki (Euroguidance Turkey). As a result of the pandemic we have moved to Digital Nomadism in many labor sectors. In this workshop, topics of business life in a digital environment were discussed, how attractive it is for workers to be independent from an office or a fixed physical place of work, and the work habits for most employees who have adapted to this “new normal”.Salto de línea
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- Program

- Download the videos of the plenary sessions: