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Digital Tools for Career Guidance of Ukrainians Abroad

Fecha: 04/03/2025


Herramientas digitales para la orientación profesional de los ucranianos en el extranjero

The field of career guidance in Ukraine has undergone significant transformations, especially in response to the situation of displaced Ukrainians in Europe. With approximately 4.2 million Ukrainians holding temporary protection status in Europe, integrating into the European labor market presents several challenges, such as limited local market knowledge, skills gaps, language difficulties, and the psychological toll of displacement.

Women and young people, who form the majority of the displaced, require high-quality career guidance and access to re-education or retraining services to improve their integration prospects.

To address these challenges, several initiatives and digital tools have been implemented to enhance career guidance. These initiatives, which also include cross-border projects to support the labour integration of Ukrainian refugees, are detailed in an article Nueva ventana written by Hanna Voronina, PhD in Education and Senior Researcher at the Institute for Educational Problems of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. All information presented by the author at the Austrian Euroguidance 2024 Conference is published at Nueva ventana.

Hanna Voronina is also the co-author of the National Career Development Support System Review Report (ETF 2022) Nueva ventana.

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