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Euroguidance Webinar: “Covid as an unprecedented disruption: Lessons learnt on the future shaping of careers?”.

Fecha: 22/04/2024


During this webinar next April 26, organized by Euroguidance,, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the changes in the world of work in the last 3 decades and the accelerating force of major external disruptions like Covid 19 and how these changes have shifted the meaning of work and therefore how we conceptualise and manage careers.

Professor Vincent Cassar, from the University of Malta, and Dr Celia Hadjichristodoulou, Founder and Managing Director of GrantXpert Consulting, Cyprus will be the keynote speakers.

The webinar will be held on Friday 26th April at 11am (CET) via MS Teams platform. If you are interested in participating, please register hereNueva ventana.

Registration deadline is April 22nd at 23.59 CET.

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