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Learning and Service Awards 2024

Fecha: 24/05/2024


Service-Learning is an educational proposal that combines learning processes and community service in a single project, in which participants are trained by getting involved in real needs in the environment with the aim of improving it.

This call, organized by the Spanish Learning-Service Network and the non-governmental organization EDUCO, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, within the “Educar cura” project, is carried out to recognize the work of educational centers and social entities that integrate the learning of children and young people with solidarity actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the community, to recognize the capacity of children and young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, to give visibility to Service-Learning practices as a tool for educational success and social commitment, and to strengthen and disseminate in society a participatory, supportive and civic commitment culture, with a focus on social justice and human rights.

Public, subsidized and private Pre-School, Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training educational centers in the Spanish State, as well as Spanish-owned centers abroad, can apply for this call. Social entities that are developing service-learning practices in any of the autonomous communities can also participate.

Projects can be submitted until September 30, 2024, through the Service-Learning Awards websiteNueva ventana.
