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Important information Webinar November 20 Academia 2025 Programme

Fecha: 21/11/2024


Below are the most relevant points of the webinar held on November 20, led by Nuria Ballesteros Rincón, Head of the Professional Guidance Service, organized by the Professional Guidance and Lifelong Learning Unit of the General Secretariat for Vocational Training (MEFPD). During the seminar, participants were provided with all the necessary information about the current call, addressing key aspects for correct participation in the process.

The Academy Programme, within the framework of Erasmus+, aims to promote professional mobility and cooperation between educational counsellors and teachers of training and career guidance. It focuses on international networking and training in specific educational topics, with 3- or 4-day stays in various European countries between February and May 2025. To participate, is necessary that the applicant's educational centre has an active Erasmus+ project, as well as a language proficiency (B2 or higher level in English) and maintain the position during the process.

The programme offers a variety of thematic visits, defined by each participating country, ranging from generalist approaches to specific issues such as mental health in education or vocational training. Participants have specific responsibilities, such as attending face-to-face meetings, preparing a report to be sent back and sharing their experiences through articles for dissemination. Registration will remain open until 29 November 2024.

This initiative stands out for its ability to generate unique collaborative experiences and intercultural learning, contributing to the improvement of guidance and education at a European level.
