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Film your Dual. Video contest

Fecha: 12/01/2024


The Bertelsmann Foundation, together with the National Association of Apprentices of France (ANAF), calls Filma tu Dual, a contest of videos recorded in first person by dual vocational training students showing the day-by-day of their training.

Participants must be dual vocational training students over 16 who have already started their training in the company. In a creative and original way, the video must reflect the experience during their training period in the company and give value to the profession for which they are preparing.

There are four great prizes in the main categories and four special mentions for humor, creativity, professionalism and coolest. Registration until April 1 and video submission until April 15.

More information, contest's rules and registration Nueva ventana

Filma tu Dual, un concurso de vídeos grabados