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Euroguidance Spain webinar: European dimension of career guidance

Fecha: 03/05/2024


The Guidance Service of the Vocational Guidance and Lifelong Learning Unit of the MEFPD in Spain is organizing an informative webinar about European dimension of career guidance. The objective is to present the Euroguidance Network and its role in the development of professional guidance through cooperation and collaboration between professionals from member countries.

  • The event will take place on May 8, 2024, from 11:15 to 12:30.
  • The speaker will be Nuria Ballesteros Rincón, Head of the Orientation Service.
  • The contents of the program will include detailed information about the Euroguidance Network, its origin, objectives, actions, good practices, and the mobility program Academia.
  • Resources such as the Euroguidance Spain website and the monthly newsletter will also be presented.

The target audience of the webinar includes:

  • Educational counselors from IES
  • CIFP educational counselors
  • Job counselors
  • Vocational Training and Guidance Teacher

To attend this informative seminar, it is necessary to complete the following registration formNueva ventana before May 3.

The webinar will be held online through the Microsoft TEAMS platform. For more information, you can contact o.profesional@educacion.gob.ese-mail or visit

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