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Academia 2025

Fecha: 14/11/2024


If you are a teacher of Educational Guidance and/or Vocational Training and Guidance and you are currently working in an educational centre supported by public funds, you can apply to participate in the Academia 2025 Programme.

Academia is a transnational mobility project for guidance professionals, coordinated by Euroguidance Spain, which aims to promote the mobility of guidance professionals in Europe, in order to enhance networking and European cooperation in the field of information and lifelong guidance, as well as to facilitate the exchange of good practices and working methods among participants. The mobilities, also called study visits, take place every year from February to May and last three or four days.

All the information about the Academia 2025 Programme is now available on the Euroguidance Spain website, in the Academia Programme page, in the section on Career Guidance in Spain.

For more information, in the following link you can consult all the programmes of the countries of the Euroguidance Network participating in the mobility programme ACADEMIA 2025 Nueva ventana

Don't miss this opportunity!
