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Lifelong Learning Week 2022

Fecha: 25/11/2022


Lifelong learning covers education and training across all ages and in all areas of life. It enables citizens’ emancipation and full participation in society in its civic, political, social and economic dimensions.

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella that gathers 42 European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth. Currently these networks represent more than 50 000 educational institutions and associations covering all sectors of formal, non-formal and informal learning. Their members reach out to several millions of beneficiaries.

The 12th edition of the Lifelong Learning Week will take place in Brussels on 28 November – 2 December 2022. A milestone event in the education & training sector, the LLLWeek 2022 will be hosted by MEP Milan Zver, member of the CULT Committee of the European Parliament.

Drawing from the latest developments in European policy, we framed the LLLWeek around the topic “Investment in Education and Training: A Public Good for All”. The goal is to reflect upon the decreasing efforts by EU Member States in financing public, non-commercial education systems that value all learning environments.

Lifelong Learning Week 2022