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Open Administration week

Fecha: 27/06/2022


The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training co-organizes, together with the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, an activity on Open Administration and accessibility to training in Mentor Classrooms. The training and accreditation of skills for rural women: reducing the digital divide through Mentor Classrooms, is an initiative included in the IV Open Government Plan 2020-2024, whose objective is to improve the basic and professional skills of rural women. people participating in areas of special projection that require digital training, helping to mitigate gender asymmetries in the rural context and promoting equal opportunities.

The Aula Mentor project is an open training system, free for people over 18 years of age and through the Internet promoted by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in which a large group of Autonomous Communities, local Entities actively participate through agreements Territorial entities and public entities dependent on them. The objectives of Aula Mentor are focused on providing an alternative in terms of training to the adult population that does not have the opportunity to attend the face-to-face offer and whose pace of learning and/or dedication requires a totally flexible system not subject to prerequisites, or to schedules or deadlines of any kind.

To do this, on June 29, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., from the Mentor Classroom in Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Ávila) it will be possible to follow, via streaming, the event entitled “Open government and accessibility to training in Mentor Classrooms”.

Semana de la Administración Abierta