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Academia Andalucía 2022

Fecha: 23/05/2022


From May 16 to 20, the Academia 2022 program was held in Andalusia under the title: "Green Guidance: Careers of the future". Eleven European guidance counselors from Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Latvia, Czech Republic and Estonia have visited different vocational training centers and entities where VET students are trained in workplaces in Seville, Cadiz and Huelva. All the visits had the objective of getting to know professional families related to the environment and sustainability, such as the Medium Grade cycle of Water Treatment Networks and Stations, Aquaculture, Development and Conservation of the Natural Environment or Coastal Navigation and Fishing, and the Higher Grade cycles of Aquaculture, Maritime Transport and Deep-sea Fishing or Forestry and Natural Environment Management, being the evaluation of the program by the European counselors very positive.

This program is coordinated by the national center Euroguidance under the General Subdirectorate of Guidance and Lifelong Learning, which belongs to the General Secretariat of Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education and Sport of the Andalusian Regional Government.

Academia Andalucía 2022