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Conference: Orientation for Sustainable Employability

Fecha: 19/10/2022


The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training organized on October 18, in collaboration with CEOE Campus (Higher Institute of Business Studies), the Orientation for Sustainable Employability Conference. Many professionals from the sector analyzed present and future initiatives to promote professional guidance that is committed to lifelong learning and guarantees sustainable employability. The act was chaired by the General Secretary for Vocational Training, Clara Sanz.

The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training is already working on the design of a career guidance strategy throughout life that guarantees sustainable employability. It is one of the fundamental axes of the new Vocational Training Law.

The following topics were discussed: the challenges of the future, talent and training management, new work scenarios, emerging profiles and what changes are taking place to promote sustainability in employment. The new labor scenarios and the need to connect training with the labor market.

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