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Universities and Lifelong Learning

Fecha: 18/05/2022


The advances in digitalization and technological change have completely transformed several industries and economic activities and, therefore, our lives as well. Knowledge and skills are waning faster and faster; education can no longer be limited to the first stage of life, and lifelong learning, upskilling and reskilling are already parts of the very concept of work. Universities face the challenge of adapting to this new scenario and, at the same time, empower all citizens to cope with this transition successfully and become not only a learning economy, but also a learning society.

Within the framework of the World Higher Education Week 2022, the Ministry of Universities, the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, Crue Spanish Universities, SEPIE and the University of Barcelona organized on May 16 the conference "Universities and learning through throughout life”.

Las universidades y el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida