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Digital transitions in lifelong guidance: rethinking careers practitioner professionalism

Fecha: 15/11/2021


Transiciones digitales en la orientación a lo largo de toda la vida: repensar la profesionalidad de los profesionales de las carreras

This CareersNet expert collection consist of diverse authored contributions from independent CareersNet guidance experts and contributors to Cedefop’s 2020 CareersNet meeting. This collection is a step towards updating Cedefop's work on professionalising career guidance since the publication of Professionalising career guidance: practitioner competences and qualification routes in Europe over 10 years ago.

Papers focus on the broad theme of professionalising the career guidance workforce and the particular competences fit for the digital and wider societal context. Not all authors place direct focus on technology-related themes. Attention is also paid to developments prior to, surrounding, or triggered by, the pandemic crisis.

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