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Academia 2022

Fecha: 23/11/2021


Academia is a transnational mobility project for guidance professionals that began in 1995, coordinated by Euroguidance Spain, as a national reference Centre of the European Euroguidance Network, under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, specifically the Sub-directorate General for Guidance and Lifelong Learning.

Spanish guidance professionals can participate in the Academy program in the academic year 2021-2022, as long as they have an Erasmus+ project in their educational center that allows the mobility of the educational counselor to the European country that offers this possibility.

Features of the program:

Participant requirements:

  • The Educational Centre where the educational counsellor provides services must have an Erasmus+ project in development.
  • Training projects require adequate competence to follow the development of the program in English.
  • Fill out the attached here application and send it to e-mail
  • This application must be sent to the above-mentioned address by 3 December 2021 including.
  • Up to a maximum of three European programs can be applied for, corresponding to a country other than the country of origin, and only one is granted.

The Sub-directorate General for Guidance and Lifelong Learning will contact those selected in early 2022.

Programa Academia 2022